Monday, November 14, 2011

Which am I? Which are you?

Assalamualaikum dear reader,

What a busy day! a busy week. :) tapi masih mampu senyum * senyum adalah sedekah.*
Kali ni tak ada apa sangat pun nak cakap.. just wanna share some quotes menarik perhatian yang digoogle oleh Cik belog. :)

Lets do some thinking exercise. Just for us to thought. *sebab tu tittle agak skema haha* . Try fikir yang mana satu kita? Muhasabah .. :)


 *do you think you are perfect? Me? I'm not perfect*

I don't expect people to be perfect as I am not perfect too. Not perfect friends perfecting the other not perfect friend.

 * :( *

This quote really related to me.. I know i'm too depending on my friends, him to live, to do anything. And now i feel i just troubling my friends and him too. I need to depend on myself. I need to! I have to!.. Because once i'm too depend on my people, i going to love them, make them part of my life. And when they hurt me, its too hurting and too hard for me to take. Every person does not perfect. Me too. Fighting, misunderstanding is normal in relationship.It going to make us become more closer if we know how to handle it. But if not, ....

*i hope they and him are meant for me*

And hoping that all people around me is the best and meant for me. Friends for me always. Love for me always. Aminn.

P/s: If you have another opinion, please do share with me. :)
not perfect person,

1 comment:

  1. hehehehe kwn adalah sementara manakala sahabat adalah mereka yg kongsi kisah hidup bersama..


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